Monday 19 September 2011


Warm greetings to you !!

New generation ,new ideas ,new approach to life . WOW ! Great going guys ! Nice to see smart people, in spite of disabilities taking over the world with such elan and making it seem so effortless. I wish all of them everlasting joy and happiness in their life . Really exceptional ,in the case of spinal cord injury persons (SCI) ,as it is in itself a great deal to overcome the pain and agony,coming out victorious ,is like conquering the world.

SPINAL CORD INJURY  is a broken spine , where the damaged vertebrae damage the bundle of nerves , which paralyses a part of you , and as a result ,brings about a major change in your routine activities in  the daily life. Normally , SCI patients go through a great deal of pain and distress after the injury and   do not know how to come out of the emotional turmoil. This phase is the most difficult part of dealing with the injury for the patient , as his or her self confidence takes a beating. We need to understand not only their pain, but also the changes that take place in their bodily functions.

We can bring about a change in their lives in many ways. Firstly, the family needs to support the SCI person unconditionally and most importantly come out of conservative mindset  and look at the situation from a different angle. The SCI person needs to be accepted as he is, and be assured of any kind of help ,to get back to normal life. They need to know that a broken bone does not mean the end of the world. It is only a medical condition, and should not be considered a taboo or a curse. They are the same people, you came across before the injury. HELP them, MOTIVATE them, SUPPORT them and you will witness lot of miracles.

Tuesday 13 September 2011


Greetings to everyone !!!

All of us are born with beautiful able bodies ,yet we are diverse in our own ways. None of us are similar to each other in appearance or actions. Inspite of having able bodies,we lack potential to do many things in our daily routine and we do take the assistance of other people who could do the tasks for us in accomplishing the same. 

So my dear friends,just think about the plight of the people who cannot perform any kind of action due to a disability ,either born with it or caused by accident. These people are struggling to make a life out of no resources other than a little sympathy here and there,which is of course commendable in certain situations,but certainly not enough for a disabled society. We are only guarded until the next bomb blast or an earthquake or any unpredictable disaster.

We can make a difference and definitely make an impact on the lives of the disabled by giving a helping hand with a loving heart. Please do take a minute out of your busy life and give it a thought .Let us spread happiness and joy in the lives of the disabled by including them in our society and make a collective effort to build ONE FAMILY, ONE SOCIETY , ONE WORLD.